Minor and Major Symptoms of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins, those swollen and large veins that appear near the surface of the skin on the legs and ankles, may not be a life threatening problem. But they can cause discomfort and embarrassment for those who experience these twisted and weak veins that often result from aging or being overweight. But because varicose veins can lead to other health issues, it’s important to be able to recognize their minor and major symptoms, and to seek treatment from the caring professionals at The Center for Venous Disease.

One of the most common minor symptoms of varicose veins is a discoloration that appears on the skin where the enlarged vein has come to the surface. This results in a network of dark blue, purple or reddish purple lines that make most individuals feel self-conscious. Experiencing mild aching or pain in the legs, especially after periods of standing or sitting in one place for a long stretch of time, is another mild symptom. This painful or aching feeling is often accompanied by a feeling of heavy pressure in the legs and even a burning sensation. Another common symptom is that the skin covering the varicose veins becomes itchy. Varicose veins can also cause mild swelling in the ankles and feet.

There are more serious symptoms of varicose veins that should encourage you to make an appointment at The Center for Venous Disease for relief. Noticeable swelling in the legs, accompanied by calf pain after being stationery for a period of time, either in a sitting or standing position, is among the more serious symptoms of varicose veins. Changes in the color or condition of the skin where the varicose veins are located, along with any inflammation, scaling or dryness, are also major symptoms that require treatment. Among the most serious symptoms of varicose veins are ulcers or small bleeding sores that develop around varicose veins. Whether a patient experiences one or more symptoms, The Center for Venous Disease offers an effective treatment method for varicose veins.