The Importance of Healthy Veins

The veins, along with our arteries, compose the circulatory system of the body. While the arteries have the job of carrying oxygen and nutrient rich blood into our tissues, the veins have the more difficult task of returning the blood back into the heart. Healthy veins are important for good heart health which affects the rest of the body’s operating systems.

If the veins throughout the body remain strong and supple they will have no trouble doing their task of pumping the blood from the tissues back into the heart. Their task is much more challenging than the arteries, which are assisted by gravity in pulling the blood away from the heart and down into the rest of the body. But the veins themselves must be strong and healthy enough to create their pumping motion, moving the blood supply from deep within muscles on its journey back to the heart.

Healthy veins have fully functional one-way valves that help the blood supply continue its movement upwards toward the heart. Deep veins must remain strong enough to pump the blood in an upwards motion, while the secondary set of superficial veins must be strong and healthy enough to serve as a collection system for the blood that is continuing to be pumped out of the body’s muscle tissue.

Through smart dietary choices and regular exercise, you can help the complex system of deep and secondary veins that run throughout your body remain healthy, doing their job of pumping blood toward the heart at optimum capacity. Any type of vein malfunction or disorder can affect your general health, in addition to causing other medical issues. The specialists at The Center for Venous Disease can help patients identify the risk factors that impact the efficient working of the circulatory system, in addition to helping diagnose potential problems in their earliest stages so early treatment can prevent a vein problem from becoming a more serious cardiovascular disease.