Common Myths About Spider Veins

Although many of the treatment methods for spider veins have been updated over many years, old myths about the condition stemming from outdated modes of research continue to persist in the public awareness. Here are some common myths about spider veins that science has found to be completely untrue over the years.

One – Spider veins mean that you are getting old.

Your genetics are much more important in determining whether you end up with spider veins than your age is. If both of your parents have them, then you will likely have them as well. Spider veins can actually develop in a person as young as 10 years old.

Two – Men are somehow less likely to get spider veins in a lifetime.

The truth is that both men and women are susceptible to spider veins. However, women certainly have more prominent cases of spider veins during pregnancy. For the most part, these symptoms during pregnancy in women are completely treatable. Many men also completely ignore the disease, preferring to think that it is innocuous or thinking that it is not serious enough to treat. The lower instances of men reporting spider veins may contribute to the common myth.

Three – If pregnant, a woman is much better waiting until the pregnancy is done to treat spider veins.

This statement may have been true before the modern methods of dealing with spider veins were established; however, today, it does not hold up. Rates of recurrence for spider veins in pregnant women are around 0% thanks to modern medicine. Consult your obstetrics professional for the best options. Some spider veins can even be prevented in pregnant women by consulting your obstetrics professional early in the pregnancy.

Four – Spider veins are cosmetic, requiring no special attention.

Even medical professionals make the mistake of believing that spider veins are completely innocuous in all situations. The truth is that spider veins can actually lead to ulcers and decreased blood flow to the part of the body that is being affected.

Five – Spider vein treatments are often much too expensive for the benefits that they provide.

If spider veins were purely a cosmetic disease, then the treatment would not be covered under insurance. Because many people follow their doctors in the erroneous belief that it is cosmetic, they believe that they will be paying out-of-pocket. The truth is that spider veins can be covered under insurance. Be sure that you have your medical professional perform an underlying investigation to determine if your spider veins are a symptom of a larger disease. If they are, then insurance will cover all of the procedures that you would need in order to get rid of them.